Category: Hanga | Create

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2023 (Year 7 & 8 Extension): Dear New Government

By now, we have had the election to form our new government. Lots of people have different views about what is important for New Zealanders. We may not be old enough to have voted this time around but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a voice.

We worked together to come up with this message to our newly formed government

What’s important to you? What would you want to share with the government?

Dear New Government…

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2023 (Year 5 & 6 Extension): Oh the Places You’ll Go

Do you sometimes find it difficult to make decisions?

…But other times decisions can be pretty straight forward to make!

Do you sometimes find things just don’t go your way?

…But other times they can go incredibly!?

There is a book by Dr Seuss all about it called,


Manaiakalani Film Festival 2022 (Year 7&8 Extension): Emotions

Sometimes we feel really angry but we can take deep breaths and think calm thoughts.

Sometimes we feel sad and we can do things we enjoy to cheer us up.

Sometimes we feel worried so we can talk about it.

There are lots of feelings that we experience and that’s ok! It’s all about how we react to these emotions.

Manaiakalani Film Festival 2022 (Year 5&6 Extension): Overcoming Pressure

Do you ever feel like everyone wants you to go above and beyond? Sometimes it feels like too much but all we can do is try our very best!

Kensi had a test and boy was she feeling the pressure! The Year 5&6 extension decided to help her with overcoming pressure!

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